Hawkins_Susan-IMG_9698My yoga teaching is a mixture of Hatha, Iyengar and vinysa flow. I took my 1st yoga class in 1986 while still in college at CSULB. A very good friend “strongly suggested” that I seriously needed to relax and that I should try yoga as a way to manage my stress level, which apparently I was not doing well- if at all- clearly to the detriment of those around me. I thank her still to this day because that 1st class impacted my life in ways I could never have imagined at that time.

At that time I thought that yoga was a strange cult practice for weirdos and hippies. My first exposure to yoga was a tv show in the early 1970’s that followed re-runs of ” Bewitched” and “I dream of Genie”, my 2 favorite shows. At the age of 5, I had already been indoctrinated into the world of ballet and it was clear that these yoga people on tv had it all wrong. Hence my hesitation at my friend’s suggestion to try yoga.

That 1st class I took at CSULB was a beginning Hatha Iyengar class.
